Mark Stone

Nov, 2022
Hometown Hero Mark Stone

Early Military Career and Enlistment

Mark Stone, a US Army veteran, began his military journey in 1983. He joined as an infantry soldier and heavy anti-tank missile gunner, helping fund his college education. After earning his degree, Mark received his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant infantry officer. He served as a platoon leader with the 5-16 Devil Ranger Battalion, 1st Infantry Division (“Big Red One”). During Desert Storm, Mark led his platoon in combat against Iraqi forces.

Combat Deployments and Leadership

Mark’s military career spanned four deployments to Iraq and several global assignments. On September 11, 2001, he was in Egypt for Operation Bright Star. Soon, Mark was in Afghanistan supporting the invasion. He served in various leadership positions, including battalion, brigade, and joint-level commands. Mark also received specialized training in logistics, program management, and contingency contracting. In 2003, he followed the invasion force through cities like Najaf, Baghdad, and Balad. Afterward, he returned to the States but was soon deployed for a 16-month combat rotation with the Stryker Brigade (172nd Arctic Wolves).

Retirement and Continued Service

Mark retired in 2009 after 26 years of military service. His dedication did not end with retirement. He began a new career as a DoD civilian, working for a Combat Support Agency. This allowed him to continue serving alongside other veterans. Mark also became a lifelong member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the American Legion.

Humanitarian Efforts and Community Impact

Mark’s commitment to service extends beyond his military and civilian careers. In 2021, he helped evacuate Afghan families who had supported the US military. His efforts led to the safe relocation of two families to the United States and Canada. Mark also volunteered with the Cub Scouts, mentoring young people in his community.

Hometown Hero Award

Branch Partner Ryan Charles from ALCOVA Mortgage’s Midlothian, VA branch presented Mark Stone with the Hometown Hero Award. This award recognized his service, leadership, and ongoing contributions to his country and community.

*Pictured left to right: Ryan Charles and Mark Stone.

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