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Going into the process, I was nervous. When were suprised with the news our rental lease wasn’t going to be renewed, we started talking about buying. The past few years I worked 50-65 hours a week and we really didn't keep up with our finances as well as we should have. Due to error in comunication with my wife, there were a few debts we each thought the other was on top of. The interest was so high, we decided to charge off the debt. I downloaded credit karma and did a deep dive. After seeing our credit scores, and googling, "can I get a mortgage with a credit score of _______", we didn't think home ownership was possible. Or if it was, we were expecting way above market rates. My wife started calling around to loan officers that were recomended. She left messages with five, luckily the only one who got back to us was Andrew. Andrew was always professional and friendly, I don’t think I ever saw him not smiling. He provided personalized service, taking the time to understand our financial situation. He explained the process with just the right amount of detail for each stage we were in. There’s so much involved from start to finish, but Andrew did a great job summarizing the mortgage process upfront without overwhelming us. When needed, he went into greater detail specific to our stage in the process. He was clear, transparent, and kept us informed every step of the way. He also made sure my wife and I fully understood everything before moving on, always double-checking to ensure we grasped each subject. As a loan officer, he was incredibly available to answer my questions—day, night, and even weekends. I don’t think I ever sent a text or email that wasn’t answered within 20 minutes. If my email required a complex response, he would immediately call. This was very important to me. I get up to 100 phone calls a day and drive all over to 6 differnet job sites some days, I needed someone who wasnt a strickly 9-5 m-f guy. I felt like he sceduled around out needs and was very flexable. Other third parties involved would ignore phone messages, emails, and texts; taking days to respond. Andrew always felt like a phonecall, email or text away; this gave a peace of mind and thats hard to put a dollar value on. Having Andrew as our loan officer made the experience much less stressful. Every time I was worried about something, he remained calm, reassuring, and logical. He also applied just the right amount of pressure. If I’m told I have a long time to complete something, I might not jump on it right away. While the Alcova videos give the impression that every document needs to be sent the second it hits your inbox or your closing will suffer long delay, Andrew kept things moving efficiently without being pushy, nagging, or exaggerating our actual deadlines. All in all, the entire loan process was smooth, quick, and efficient. Andrew made everything easy and straightforward, and the process was completed even faster than I expected. For the rest of my life, if I hear someone is buying a house, I will recommend and refer them to Andrew Shields at Alcova. If I ever need a different loan, Andrew will be my go to as well.
Andrew Shields fue muy paciente conmigo, pero al mismo tiempo era tiempo de crujido. Él estaba muy encima de todo y terminó de manera oportuna. Su actitud positiva hacia mí me dio confianza en mí mismo y en el futuro.
¡Andrew fue genial para trabajar! Estoy muy agradecido y agradecida por tenerlo para ayudarme con mi refinanciamiento. Muy recomendable.
Licensed in AL, AR, CO, DC, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, NC, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WV
308 Market Street SE, Roanoke, VA 24011
© 2025 ALCOVA Mortgage, LLC. All rights reserved.